Top 5 renovations that add the most value before selling

How to get the best price for your property

You’re thinking of selling.

What can you do so you don’t overspend on your property—but will spruce it up so it draws in the right buyers?

How can you get a frenzy of buyers offering top prices?

A few, carefully chosen renovations (renos) can make all the difference.

5 cheap and easy renovations to add the most value to your property before selling

In my 2 decades working as a buyer’s advocate, I’ve found these are the top 5 renos (renovations) that help property owners consistently get higher prices.

These are simple and inexpensive cosmetic renos you can do to boost the value of your property and give it curb appeal.

1. Paint

This is one of the easiest ways to refresh your home. The right colours throughout the house can do wonders: inside and outside.

The outside is the first thing people walking by will see. First impressions count. And having a clean, appealing exterior will give people an idea of what the inside might be like.

Don’t forget to paint your front door, window trims, garage, and driveway.

Choose colours that work well for your home—and your neighbourhood. Your local paint shop or Bunnings can help you pick the right colour and figure out how much you need.

 Painting tips

  • Interior painting: check out these 13 Painting secrets the pros won’t tell you by Popular Mechanics.
  • Exterior painting: check out the Easiest and fastest way to paint a house by The Spruce

2. Home office

Now more than ever, more people are working from home. So adding a small home office as big as a 2m x 1.5m can add great value to your home.

 You could build a new office. Or if you have space and are on a tighter budget and timeline, you could convert a space that’s not being used. For instance, a landing, hallway, or under stairs.

A desk, chair, and overhead shelf are all you need for a small, simple office. For an in-built office, you could order ergonomic custom pieces online.

Consider lighting, walls, flooring, soundproofing and connectivity. Also, keep in mind where furniture might go and what storage options could be used.

Office renovation tips

  • Check out the great pictures and ideas in Architectural Digest’s 65 Home office ideas that will inspire productivity.

3. Carpet

Replace old, worn-out carpet. New carpet can make the place look more modern and attract more buyers. It also saves them time and the hassle of getting it done themselves.

Great areas for carpets include bedrooms, staircases, walk-in robes, hallways, lounges, living rooms, and rumpus rooms.

Be careful about buying cheap carpet. Or spending too much:

Choose a carpet relative to the value of your property. For instance, for a moderately priced home, a medium-range, low-pile twist nylon is a good idea.

Neutral colours such as beige, cream, and light charcoals are a safe bet for pretty much any colour scheme. What’s more, these can make a room feel more spacious and calm.

Carpet tips

  • Check out Renovating for Profit’s recommendations on how to choose the right carpet.

4. Kitchen

The kitchen is the pride of the house. A new kitchen can dramatically increase the value of a property.

These days budget kitchens can cost from $10,000 to $15,000 and could easily double—if not triple—your return.

You might get away with a partial reno: replace the benchtop. Install new cupboard doors. Ditch out old appliances. A fresh lick of paint might be all that’s needed.

If you’re doing a larger reno, consider storage space. Walkways. Traffic. And space for appliances.

Before doing a major kitchen renovation, get a plumber and electrician in to help you figure out where your plumbing lines and electricity points are – and work with these. Or get new these fed in where needed.

These are expensive to fix if you don’t get them set up from the start.

Kitchen tips

  • Check out The Block Shop’s top 15 tips for planning a kitchen renovation or new kitchen.

5. Bathroom

Bathrooms are as important as the kitchen and can add loads of value to your place. You can easily do beautiful bathroom renovations on a shoestring budget.

Planning is important. Bathrooms need to be functional. Spacious. And include clever storage that doesn’t make people feel closed in.

You could replace tiles in the shower or replace the bathtub enamel. Spraying antique gray spray paint on bathroom fittings can quickly change the look of your bathroom. Shop around to get a good deal on fixtures and fittings.

To keep costs low, it’s best to use current plumbing rather than moving your bathroom around.  Research to find low-cost materials at the same quality as expensive ones.

Bathroom tips

  • Check out Real Homes’ 18 great looks and expert tips to save on your bathroom renovation.

In a nutshell: Top 5 renovations that add the most value before selling

You can get the best price for your property without overcapitalising with these 5 cheap, awesome renos:

  1. Paint
  2. Home office
  3. Carpet
  4. Bathroom
  5. Kitchen

If you don’t feel confident about designing and doing these renos yourself, you could get an interior design student and apprentice tradies from the local TAFE or a trade school.

Have a go and contact us Buyers Agency Australia if you’d like more reno tips that will add value to your specific property.

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